Problem 1 - My boyfriend - who I met at uni - dumped me about five weeks ago and started going out with my best mate. The problem is that he is now cheating on her with ME! I can't get over him and want to have his children so that he'll stay with me. He says that he wants us to be best friends. I know I should end it but love him so much, please help! REPLY TO PROBLEM 1
Louisa's Advice - Well,
first of all what type of friend goes out with your ex knowing that you
still like him? But this cheating thing needs to stop as he's using you
both as sex toys. You need to gather the strength to end this madness and
get over it. Having a child to keep a man is beyond stupid. Anyway do you
really want a man that dumped you, cheated on you and your friend and treats
you badly?
Problem 2 - Despite my boyfriends track record for cheating, I've never had a problem with it. But last week when I went out for a night on the town with the girls, he accused me of cheating on HIM. Then some friends of mine told me that he had gone and slept with some slapper down the road. He told me it wasn't true but now he never comes to see me and when he does he's pissed, shags me and pisses off. I do love him but don't know what to do about him, someone help! REPLY TO PROBLEM 2
Louisa's Advice - O.K.,
well I think it's time that you and your boyfriend sat down and had a heart
to heart. You two need to talk about this "relationship" and were it is
going, getting EVERYTHING out in the open. To me it seems that he accused
you to cover his own tracks. At the moment your man is just using you and
if he doesn't stop you should dump him and look elsewhere!
Problem 3 - I've been going out with my girlfriend for about 3 months and I really care about her. But last week I went out with the lads, got very very drunk and ended up in bed with her best friend. I felt really guilty afterwards and was gonna tell her - but I went to a club and ended up in bed with another girl. In the morning when the alcohol had warn off I realised that the girl I'd shagged was my girlfriend's sister! So now I've slept with my girlfriend, her best mate and her sister. Do you lot think I should tell? Any advice welcome!!!! REPLY TO PROBLEM 3
Louisa's Advice - If
this wasn't true it would be funny. How could you? and don't blame the
alcohol. Talk about playing close to home. Basically you have to tell her
cause if you don't someone else will and do you want this on your conscience
for ever?. I feel sorry for this poor girl, now that you have shagged her
sister and best friend who's she gonna turn to when she wants to slag you
lot off?
Problem 4 - I've just connected with this guy over the internet. We've only spoken a few times but it's been so intimate ( cyber - sex ), I feel like I really know him. The first time we talked on the net was for four hours and we still do every time we log on. The problem is that now he wants to meet up with me but we live so far away from each other and i'm wondering if it's a good idea to start a relationship with him. What do you think? REPLY TO PROBLEM 4
Louisa's Advice - Don't
be silly!!!! All you have done with this guy is have cyber - sex. This
should tell you what type of person he is. Don't you know that anyone can
have a computer and that people LIE!!! It's a good thing you live far apart
so that you never have to meet and can stay friends only on the internet.
Take some time, sit down and think about what could of happened if you
had meet up with him.
Problem 5 -
My boyfriend's a vegan and a naturalist but he's really going too far -
he refusing to wipe up with toilet paper after going for a poo! Several
people have noticed that he's beginning to smell. I've asked him to fix's
up and wipe up but he says it'll spoil his sense of "what's right". Should
I leave him?
Louisa'a Advice - Do you really need to ask! But if you really love him then I suggest that you invest in some baby wipes and nappies. READ WISE WORDS